Side Effects of Thyrozine in Dogs

Thyrozine is a common misspelling of thyroxine, a drug used by veterinarians to treat hypothyroidism in dogs. It acts as a hormone replacement by mimicking naturally occurring thyroid hormones.

  1. Facts

    • Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough hormones. Although many of the dog's organs are affected by this disease, the regulation of metabolism is primarily affected.

    Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

    • The main symptom of hypothyroidism is obesity. Other common symptoms include dry skin with dandruff-like flakes in the fur, ear inflammation and infections, and lethargy.


    • A dog with hypothyroidism will be on a daily regime of thyroxine. Dosage will be determined based on the dog's weight and the severity of the disease. Your veterinarian will want to perform periodic blood tests to make sure the level of the drug in the dog's system is correct. The good news is that, once treatment is underway, your dog will respond quickly and most symptoms should vanish.

    Side Effects

    • Side effects of Thyrozine are minimal. Too much of the medication or an overdose can lead to symptoms such as increased thirst and urination, inability to tolerate heat, and changes in behavior.


    • If your dog has hypothyroidism, it will need to be on thyroxine for the rest of its life.