What Are the Causes of Seizures in Older Dogs?

Unexpected seizures in dogs can be frightening for both owner and pet. When dealing with seizures in older dogs, it can be helpful to have information regarding possible causes in order to determine an appropriate course of action.

  1. Definition

    • A seizure is a series of abrupt convulsions, spasms or twitches sometimes caused by electrical impulses in the brain, induced by some level of disease.


    • A seizure can begin as a sequence of unexpected twitches or spasms, sometimes slight enough to be nearly unnoticeable, or severe enough to cause violent, uncontrolled movements.


    • Dogs can experience seizures when suffering from a chronic disease such as epilepsy. Seizures can also be related to toxicity, where the animal has ingested a poison; head injury, where the animal has suffered a traumatic impact; diseased organs, where routine toxins are not expelled normally; or heart disease, where the heart is unable to pump enough oxygen-rich blood to the brain.


    • While there are no precise cures or preventatives for some types of seizures, regular visits to your veterinarian can keep you informed as to some options for treating seizure symptoms. Additionally, with a verified diagnosis of a chronic illness leading to seizure disorders in your pet, you may be able to secure medications to assist in offsetting the frequency of the events.

    What to Do

    • If your dog should suffer a seizure, contact your veterinarian immediately and follow his instructions. Remember to remain calm. Sometimes comforting your pet can help the seizure pass more quickly.


    • During a seizure, try to maintain a safe environment for your pet. Animals can sometimes injure themselves during these events.