Severe Arthritis in Dogs

Just as humans get aches and pains with age, so do dogs. Canine arthritis causes joint pain, but with proper veterinary and home care, dogs suffering from severe arthritis can live a more comfortable life.

  1. Symptoms

    • Symptoms include difficulty standing/sitting; stiff/sore joints; hesitancy to jump, run or climb; decreased activity; and weight gain.


    • Canine arthritis has many causes, including genetics, infection, past injuries, excessive strain from activity and exercise and immune system problems.


    • When diagnosing and determining the cause of canine arthritis, veterinarians look at the dog's medical history and genetic makeup, take X-rays and listen for popping and cracking sounds in the dog's joints.


    • Veterinarians often recommend healthy diet and exercise to maintain body weight (relieving joint stress) and prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain. Over-the-counter canine glucosamine supplements are another effective option.

    Pain Management

    • Home pain management includes maintaining a healthy body weight, low-impact exercise, use of ramps to help dogs avoid climbing and jumping onto furniture or stairs, massage to relax and soothe the dog and providing an orthopedic pet bed to give the dog a comfortable place to rest.