Patchy Hair Loss in Dogs

Patchy hair loss usually means a dog is suffering from some sort of skin infection, though there are other conditions that can cause it. When hair loss is more symmetrical it generally indicates a hormonal imbalance. Most causes of patchy hair loss are related to parasites and are easily treated.

  1. Types

    • Parasites, such as fleas or mites, are the most common cause of patchy hair loss in dogs. A fungus, ringworm, is also a common contributor to losing hair.


    • An accompanying symptom in the case of hair loss caused by parasites or ringworm will be itching. With other conditions, itching is often not present and the only symptom pet owners are likely to notice initially is the hair loss.


    • With parasite-induced hair loss, treatment involves getting rid of the parasite, usually through a dip, shampoo or other topical medication. With ringworm, treatment also involves dips and sometimes an oral medication.


    • There are other causes of patchy hair loss, including genetic conditions, autoimmune disorders and more serious illness. Some of these conditions pose no real threat to the dog while others can be life threatening. Because of this, it's always a good idea to have the cause of your dog's symptoms diagnosed by a veterinarian.


    • In the case of hair loss caused by parasites, the best preventative is flea and mite control products purchased from your veterinarian. With ringworm, ensuring that your dog doesn't interact with other animals that are infected is the only defense.