Rashes From Pregnancy in Dogs

Welcoming a litter of puppies into the world is a wonderful experience. Having a healthy dog during a pregnancy is an absolute must to keep the experience from going blissful to tragic.
Like humans, many conditions may develop during a pregnancy and it is imperative to stay on top of your dog's health and well being throughout the pregnancy. One condition your dog may experience is a rash. Unfortunately, a diagnosis of rash is not always an uncomplicated matter.

  1. What is a rash?

    • A rash is a skin irritation that can take on many different appearances. Some rashes can be bright red while others are the same color as the dog's skin. The welts or bumps on a rash can vary. Some may be fine and very small. You may feel the irritation on the skin but not clearly see it. Other rashes may consist of large welts or bumps.

    What causes a rash?

    • In a pregnant dog, there are many possible explanations for the presence of a rash. As with pregnant women, the pregnant dogs' body goes through changes in so many different aspects. Hormone levels change. Body heat indexes change.
      A rash could be something as simple as the dog getting hotter in the affected area. Changes in the body chemistry could create a sudden allergy to a chemical in the laundering detergent used to clean the dog's blankets. Bug bites may also cause a rash in the dog. In later pregnancy, the dog may start to emit milk and if left to sit on the skin for too long, this may also cause an irritation and a rash will develop.
      Other more serious conditions may surface, however, that the dog owner may not have been aware of. Dogs that have the condition known as lupus could develop a rash indicating that there is a complication with the disease irritated by pregnancy.

    Diagnosing the rash

    • It is very important with a pregnant dog that you skip home diagnosis. Seeking the professional help of a veterinarian can prevent further complications for the dog. The veterinarian will be able to conduct any necessary tests (usually requiring lab work) to rule out possibilities of causes and properly diagnose the issue.

    Complications of a rash

    • At the very least, a rash is irritating to the dog. Worst case scenario though, the rash indicates a serious illness or complication that could result in fatality to the pregnant dog, the unborn puppies, or both. The underlying cause of the rash could also be doing developmental harm to the unborn puppies, increasing the chances of them being born with serious disabilities or deformities.

    Treating the rash

    • Treatment of a rash in a pregnant dog needs to be administered or ordered from a veterinarian. While there are home remedies to treating a rash, such as applying a Benadryl cream or warm, wet compress to the affected area, you are not curing the dog of the ailment causing the rash and the rash can continue to irritate the dog.
      Some rashes may require the pregnant dog to take a medication. Due to the delicate state of the puppies' development within the womb and the changing body chemistry of the pregnant dog, it is best to have a vet monitor the dosage. Keeping the vet apprised of the dog's condition during this time could be lifesaving depending on the cause of the rash and reactivity to the medication or treatment prescribed.