Fleas live in the grass in your yard and then come into your house on your pets. Once they hop off your pet and into your carpet, they do not seem to mind whether they feast on your pet or on the humans living in the house.
While flea sprays and flea bombs may do the job of eliminating fleas, they also put chemicals into your home that you do not want there. There are plenty of natural remedies for fleas. Learn how to control fleas in your house and on your pets and get a handle on your flea infestation, without resorting to chemicals.
Natural flea control is possible!
Things You'll Need
- pets
- fleas
- flea comb
Find the fleas before they get out of control. Use a flea comb on your pets on a regular basis. This fine tooth comb will remove both fleas and eggs from your pet's fur.
Vacuum your house regularly and thoroughly to eliminate the flea eggs. You will need to change your vacuum bag often to prevent the eggs from hatching inside the bag and then jumping out into your house again. During flea season you should vacuum your floors at least twice a week. Wash the bedding where your pet sleeps in hot water at least once a month.
Sprinkle borax on carpets to control a light flea infestation. Borax dissolves a waxy coating that protects fleas and their eggs. This can take up to three weeks to eliminate all of the fleas.
Prevent fleas from reproducing, by spraying a natural hormone called methoprene, which is sold under the brand name Precor. This synthetic hormone will sterilize the fleas in your house, but has no effect on you or your pets. Use Precor according to directions. Spray your floors and furniture. It will not kill resident fleas, but it will prevent thrm from reproducing. The treatment is effective for over six months.
Spray your home with oil of erigeron, which is sold under the name of fleabane. This oil also dissolves the coating that protects the bodies of the fleas, and is immediately effective in controlling light infestations.