Canine constipation is not uncommon but can cause a pet owner some concern when it occurs for an extended period of time. Curing canine constipation may be as easy as taking your dog for an extended walk. Ensuring the dog has a daily routine that provides exercise, sufficient water, consistent feeding times and a bit of normalcy in routine are both preventative measures and sure cures.
Get outside and get moving with your canine friend. Sufficient exercise is the best cure for constipation problems. Regular exercise for a even-tempered dog requires 45 minutes of walking or running a day. Larger breeds or hyperactive pups require more cardio to keep them regular. Give them one hour a day. Get your dog into a predictable routine for walks each day and his bowel movements will become regular and predictable as well.
Put down a bowl of water for your dog proportionate to her size. Smaller dogs drink fewer ounces of water than larger dogs. Just like humans, dogs need water everyday to normalize body functions. Refresh the water once or twice a day. Monitor how much your dog is drinking. If she is not drinking at all, this is symptomatic of greater health issues. Take her to the vet.
Give your dog whole, raw foods to help him pass any blockage out of his intestinal tract. Carrots, broccoli and apples are high in fiber and, just like humans, help move accumulated waste through the system and out. Determine what raw foods your dog likes to eat and stick to those. Avoid force feeding your dog anything.
Vet Visit
Make an appointment with your veterinarian home remedies are not working or the constipation lasts more than four days. A vet can perform an enema or write a prescription for laxatives to help move a blockage. In extreme cases where no blockage exists, surgery might be necessary.