Organic Remedies & Cures for an Itchy Dog

Dogs can have itchy skin for a variety of reasons, including flea bites and ticks. Check with your dog's veterinarian for medical reasons that could be causing itchy skin such as allergies. A soothing bath can be done at home, using organic products that are safe and gentle for your pet. Home remedies for itchy skin relief will also be easier on the owner's wallet and can be repeated weekly until the dog feels better.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

    • Apple cider vinegar is an organic remedy that can be applied directly to dog's itchy skin. Pour two drops of apple cider vinegar on a clean washcloth and dab your dog's skin with it. Leave it on for 5 minutes, then rinse your dog off with clean water.

      Alternatively, mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray your dog's body, not the head, with the organic solution. This method is especially helpful if you have a large breed dog.


    • An oatmeal bath is a soothing organic remedy for relieving itchy skin. Colloidal oatmeal is made especially for bath water, and is not the same as breakfast oatmeal. It can be purchased in the bath and body scrub aisle at the supermarket.

      Pour 2 cups of colloidal oatmeal into the dog's bath water. Pour a small amount of oatmeal into your hand and rub it directly into dog's skin. Rinse the oatmeal off completely with cool water before allowing the dog out of the bathtub.

    Olive oil

    • Olive oil is an organic remedy and an easy way to soothe dog's itchy skin. Pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil into your hand and gently massage into dog's skin. Re-apply olive oil if you have a large dog until the itchy spots are covered.

      Rinse the olive oil off with bath water and follow up with a hydrating pet shampoo.

      Essential oils such as lavender, tea tree and white thyme can be mixed with olive oil for an additional itchy skin relief. Mix two drops of essential oils with a tablespoon of olive oil and then rub into dog's skin.

    Epsom Salt Bath

    • Epsom salt is a natural mineral and bath salt found at the drugstore. Mix Epsom salt with a teaspoon of dried sage and a teaspoon of thyme in dog's bath water. Gently bathe the dog with this soothing organic bath, avoiding the eye area.

    Chamomile Tea Rinse

    • Steep four bags of organic chamomile tea in four cups of water. Cool the tea off completely and rinse the dog off with this soothing skin remedy.