Dog Ailments & Symptoms

Dogs suffer from injuries and ailments, just as people do. The majority of these problems can successfully be treated with medicine, therapy or surgery. Preventative care and vaccines are crucial for a healthy dog.

  1. Distemper

    • Distemper is a highly contagious disease. It can be passed on through the air, by contact with urine or feces, or by contact with bedding, toys or other objects.
      Symptoms of distemper include congestion, coughing, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea.

    Food Allergies

    • Many skin problems are caused by food allergies. Common signs of an allergy include itching, causing scratching, biting or chewing around the ears, eyes, muzzle, paws, groin and anus.

    Lyme Disease

    • Lyme disease is an illness transmitted by ticks. Lyme disease is primarily characterized by arthritis. Fever, lethargy and loss of appetite can also be present.


    • Heartworm is caused by a parasite in the heart. It is transmitted by mosquito bites. Preventative medications can be prescribed by the vet. Common signs of the progressed disease are coughing, heavy breathing and fluid buildup in the abdomen.

    Ear Mites

    • Ear mites are parasites that infest the ear canal. The most notable symptom is severe itching. Affected ears usually have crusty debris, either black or brown, in the ear canal, and the dog will be almost constantly scratching its ears or shaking its head.