Tavist Dosing for Dogs

Allergies are common in dogs, and one of the most prominent symptoms is itchy, irritated skin. Antihistamines like Tavist (also sold under the brand names Antihist-1 or Dayhist) are safe for dogs and can help calm itchy skin, runny eyes and inflamed nasal passages. Tavist is also a useful canine first aid kit item for reducing swelling from bee and insect stings. With the right dosage, Tavist provides longer lasting relief than most other antihistamines.

  1. Features

    • Clemastine fumarate is the main active ingredient in Tavist. Antihistamines don't tend to be as effective for dogs as they are for people, but, in trials, approximately 30 percent of dogs appeared to have relief from itchy skin from clemastine fumarate. The other common over-the-counter antihistamine medication is diphenhydramine (found in Benadryl and similar medications), and while cheaper, it is less effective than Tavist. However, if Tavist doesn't work, it's worth trying an antihistamine containing diphenhydramine.

      One advantage to Tavist is its longer-lasting effectiveness. A dog only needs two doses of Tavist per day, while Benadryl and similar medications are effective for a shorter time and need to be given at least three times daily.


    • Tavist comes in two formulas. Tavist or Tavist-1 is safe for most dogs. Avoid the Tavist-D formula. The "D" means it contains the decongestant phenylpropanolamine. Phenylpropanolamine may not be appropriate for dogs and can cause nervousness and a rise in heartbeat and blood pressure.

    Tavist Dosing

    • The usual dose for Tavist is one half to one whole 1.34 mg tablet every 12 hours. However, there are some potentially serious side effects, and Tavist should be used with caution on dogs with conditions such as heart failure, glaucoma and bladder or prostate problems. It should not be given if the dog is undergoing allergy testing, and should be used with care if the dog is taking any other sedating drugs. As with most medications, it should be used with care on pregnant and nursing dogs.

      Always talk to your vet before giving Tavist or any other over-the counter medication.

    Tavist Side Effects

    • Tavist is generally well tolerated by most dogs. The most common side effects are sedation and dry mouth---you may notice your dog drinking more than usual. Occasionally, a dog will become hyperactive when taking Tavist. These symptoms are often transitory, and reducing the dose can provide a good balance of making the dog comfortable without bothersome side effects.

      Observe a dog carefully at first when he is taking Tavist. Contact your veterinarian if the dog has diarrhea, seems unable to urinate or becomes either sedated or hyperactive.

    Expert Insight

    • Tavist may be more effective when given with omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil pills. Omega-3 is also a natural anti-inflammatory. Fish oil pills can be bought at pet stores, but the type sold for human use is just fine. Give 1000 mg per 20 lbs of the dog's body weight per day. Many dogs will eat fish oil capsules like treats. The capsules can also be cut or poked open and put on food.