How to Kill Dog Mange

Mange is an infestation of skin mites, called sarcoptic mites. Treating mange will likely require a visit to a veterinarian and medication. When mites burrow into a dog's skin, they release allergens that cause an unpleasant reaction. Mange is highly contagious and very uncomfortable, so treating it as soon as possible is recommended. The sooner the infestation is recognized and addressed, the easier treatment will be.

Things You'll Need

  • Razor blade
  • Glass slides
  • Cover slips
  • Mineral oil
  • Microscope
  • Topical or injectable medication
  • Medicated shampoo


    • 1

      Visit a veterinarian and do a skin scraping to officially diagnose the presence of mites in the skin.

    • 2

      Create a treatment plan using either a topical or injectable medication to kill the mites and eliminate the infection. Ivermectin is a common injectable medication. Many topical medications exist.

    • 3

      Bathe with medicated or anti-itch shampoo throughout treatment to make the dog more comfortable.

    • 4

      Recheck with veterinarian after treatment is complete to ensure the infection has completely resolved.