It is estimated that one in five dogs suffers from arthritis. Veterinarians today have a wide variety of resources at their disposal to help ease the discomfort, but increasingly dog owners are looking for ways to treat their pets with natural cures. Luckily, veterinary science is discovering that arthritis in dogs can be successfully treated naturally.
Symptoms of Arthritis in Dogs
Since arthritis is so prevalent in dogs, owners should be alert for symptoms which can include:
Difficulty in movement
Lethargic behavior
Hesitancy to participate in movement activities that the dog enjoyed previously
Weight gain
Changes in behavior
Lack of alertness
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs for Dogs
Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are generally the first course of treatment prescribed by veterinarians for dogs with arthritis, but many owners prefer to look at the natural treatments first. The anti-inflammatory drugs have side effects which include diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, itching, loss of appetite and more. These side effects can be as debilitating to the dog as the arthritis itself.
Omega-3 Supplements
Dog owners have discovered that a diet rich in various nutritional supplements is a big step in combating the symptoms of arthritis. Omega-3 one of the first supplements recommended to help alleviate arthritis pain and discomfort in dogs. Foods rich in Omega-3 include fatty fish (mackerel and sardines), green leafy vegetables and nuts. Supplements such as linseed/flaxseed oil are also rich in Omega-3, and can be easily added to the dog's regular food---dogs generally like the taste and will happily eat their meals with the extra oils.
Glucosamine Sulfate Supplements
Glucosamine sulfate is another recommended addition to the diet of a dog which can help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. Bone marrow from animals is the best source of this product and can be obtained by boiling bones to make a broth to pour into the dog's regular food. Dogs like this addition to their meals with the added bonus of being given the bones (NEVER chicken bones) to chew on afterward.
Chondroitin Sulfate Supplements
A third nutritional supplement which is suggested for dogs suffering from arthritis is chondroitin sulfate. Eggshell membranes contain chondroitin sulfate, and owners can crunch up eggshells and add it to the dog's food.
Arthritis in Dogs--Natural Cures as the First Line of Treatment
None of these nutritional supplements mentioned show side effects in dogs whose owners add them to their diets. Veterinary medicine's anti-inflammatory drugs can be very helpful in treating dogs with arthritis. These supplements in conjunction with a responsible exercise program can alleviate the symptoms and discomfort of arthritis in dogs. Exploring the option of natural cures is something that every dog owner should consider first.