Different Kinds of Mange

Mange can affect dogs of all ages and breeds. There are two types of mange that can affect dogs, each with varying treatments and symptoms.

  1. Demodectic Mange

    • Demodectic mange is a disease of the skin that is caused by mites. The disease can appear all over the skin, or in a single spot on the body. It usually occurs in puppies, though adult dogs can contract demodectic mange.

    Demodectic Symptoms

    • Your dog may have mange if it has scabbed skin or lesions on its body.

    Demodectic Treatment

    • Dogs with demodectic mange are usually treated with an antibiotic, Mitaban Dips and Goodwinol Ointment until healed.

    Sarcoptic Mange

    • Sarcoptic mange is also known as scabies. This type of mange is caused by parasitic mites living in or on the skin. Scabies is a very contagious form of mange, with the parasite capable of affecting other animals and humans.

    Sarcoptic Symptoms

    • You can detect sarcoptic mange in a dog if it experiences intense itching in the chest, elbow, hock and ear areas.

    Sarcoptic Treatment

    • Sarcoptic mange is treated with approximately six to nine prescription Lym Dips. The dog's living area must also be treated, along with any other animals around the dog. Pet owners can use Revolution as both treatment and prevention.