Dogs & Thyroid Disease

The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones that regulate a dog's metabolism. Thyroid disease, also called hypothyroidism, occurs when a dog's body does not produce enough thyroid hormones. As a result, a dog can suffer from chronic skin conditions, lethargy and unexplained weight gain.

  1. Cause

    • Thyroid disease in dogs occurs when the thyroid gland is damaged. Causes of gland damage include disease, certain medications and a dog's immune system.

    Common Symptoms

    • Symptoms of thyroid disease in dogs can vary. The most common symptoms include lethargy, weight gain, hair loss and skin problems.

    Other Symptoms

    • Dogs with thyroid disease can also suffer from cold intolerance, anemia, slow heart rate, muscle weakness and constipation.

    Risk Factors

    • Medium and large dog breeds are more prone to thyroid disease than toy and miniature breeds. Thyroid disease is also more likely to develop in dogs that are 4 to 10 years old.


    • Consult your veterinarian. Dogs with thyroid disease are easily treated with a synthetic thyroid hormone called Thyroxine. Dosages need to be given daily and a dog will have to remain on Thyroxine for the rest of its life.