Cures for Canine Eye Infections

Any unusual discharge or inflammation in a dog's eyes can signal an eye infection. The three most common causes of canine eye infections are bacterial, foreign objects in the eye or irritants in the environment. There are a number of over-the-counter medications for canine eye irritations that can help. If after two days of home treatment there is no improvement, consult with your veterinarian.

  1. Over-the-Counter Saline Solution

    • Flushing the eye with an over-the-counter saline solution can help wash out a foreign body or soothe an eye irritated by environmental contaminants or allergies. Hold your dog steady in your lap and speak to it in a calming voice. Wipe away any discharge or debris from around the eye. Gently make a pouch of the lower eyelid and squeeze the prescribed number of drops into the eye, trying to keep as much inside the eye as possible. Allow the animal to blink to spread the drops around the eye.

    Eye Scrub

    • Eye scrub is a common treatment for canine eye troubles. It is used on the exterior of the eye and is usually pH balanced so it stings less than water. Eye scrub removes the dirt, dust and discharged matter clinging to the hair around the eyes. Eye scrub is available at most pet supply stores

    Antibiotic Eye Drops

    • If your veterinarian suspects the eye infection is bacterial in origin, she may give you antibiotic eye drops to apply to your dog's eyes several times a day. This should clear up the eye problem in just a few days, though you should continue treatment for the entire period your vet suggests.

      Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is a common bacterial eye infection that will require antibiotic eye drops from your veterinarian. Blepharitis is another common ailment in which the dog's eyelid becomes red and inflamed. Some dog breeds are particularly prone to blepharitis

    Oral Antibiotic Medication

    • If the eye infection is severe, your vet may decide to give oral antibiotics in addition to topical eye drops. It is important to give the full course of antibiotic to eliminate the infection.

    Allergy Medications

    • If your vet suspects the eye problem is caused by allergies, he may prescribe an anti-allergy eye drop or oral medication. These are usually steroid medications that reduce the swelling and irritation in the eye. Your vet may recommend that you use the medication periodically to keep the allergic reaction in check