Home Remedy for a Canine With Eye Discharge

Dogs often suffer from eye discharge. It can create tear stains or tracks along the side of your dog's nose. Although most canine eye problems are not an indication of something serious, you should take your dog to the vet to rule out any sicknesses before you try home remedies for eye discharge. The most likely culprit is allergies.

  1. Remove Allergens

    • Remove the source of the allergen. You will first have to discover it. Pay close attention to your dog and when his eyes run. Do they run when he is outside, or when you open up the windows? If you can isolate times when his eyes have discharge, you can remedy it by taking him out at different times, keeping your windows closed, or removing the source of the irritant. If his eyes run all the time, he might be allergic to his food. Try changing foods to see if his eye discharge gets better. If you do find that his eyes improve after starting a new food, you can assume he was allergic to the food he was on before.

    Remove Irritation

    • Canine eye discharge is often irritating to the dog, and the irritation causes more discharge. Clean your dog's eyes very carefully with the corner of a clean, wet rag. Use low pile cotton, or something soft like a worn dishtowel. Start at the lid and move down in a slow and gentle manner. Finish by wiping all the way down the tear-stain to the area where you see no discharge. Do this several times a day until the discharge starts to clear up.

    Clean Your Dog

    • Give your dog a bath, and make sure that she is very clean. Whether the discharge is caused by allergies or irritation, getting her clean is an important step in helping get rid of the eye discharge. Wash her with animal-safe shampoo, and be sure to rinse well. Dry and brush her. Do not use any other products on your dog, like dry shampoo, between bath wipes or dog perfume. Keep her free of any of these.