Natural Treatment for Seizures in Dogs

Seizures in dogs are unfortunately more common than most people realize. There are several cause of seizures like illnesses and diseases such as epilepsy. If your vet has checked out your dog and has found that he is not sick and does not have epilepsy, you can try natural treatments for seizures in dogs. Even if your dog does have epilepsy and is on medication, trying natural treatments is one way to help prevent more seizures from occurring.

  1. Low Blood Sugar

    • Low blood sugar is the single most common cause of seizures in dogs, other than brain problems like epilepsy. To prevent seizures caused by low blood sugar, change your dog's feeding schedule. Increase the amount of food you are giving him per day by at least 50 percent. Divide this amount into six portions and feed your dog at six intervals daily. Begin as early as you can in the morning, and give him the last meal as late as you can at night so he does not need to fast for too many hours. Having regular meals and slightly more food per day will help any seizures that come up due to low blood sugar.

    Honey Cure

    • Honey is a substance that can help raise blood sugar and a natural source of sugar. Each time your dog has a seizure, give him a spoonful of honey as soon as the seizure has stopped. This will prevent him from having another seizure right away. Add a spoonful of honey to each meal you give your dog. Honey will increase the amount of sugar in your dog's body and make him less prone to seizures.

    Stress and Living Conditions

    • In a dog that has seizure for any reason, stress and living conditions can contribute to more. Help to create a stress-free living situation for your dog. Make sure he has a comfortable, indoor place to sleep. Keep him clean and do not let him stay wet for longer than necessary. Make sure he has clean food and water and does not live in a place where there are loud noises. Keeping him away from other dogs that might annoy him or cause him stress and keeping him away from young children if children seem to excite or stress him are also ways you can help prevent the occurrence of seizures in your dog.