How to Remove Maggots From Puppies

If you find maggots on your puppy, this infestation is known as myiasis. These maggots are typically larva from blowflies, and the eggs hatch quickly in warm weather. The eggs are small and can usually be seen on the skin. If your puppy has a wound, the infestation might occur there as they often invade moist areas. Once you remove the maggots, be sure to investigate the skin problem that caused the myiasis. The best thing to do would be to take your puppy to a vet.


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      You can remove the maggots physically. Begin by shaving the area where the infestation has occurred. The earlier you catch the infestation, the better and easier it will be to remove it.

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      After you have shaved the affected area, remove each maggot one by one. Maggots can burrow beneath the hair coat, so once you have shaved the area, you might have more to deal with than you initially thought. Be sure to remove every maggot. This can be a painstaking process if the infestation has advanced.

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      Apply a mild insecticide, but be sure to wash it off to ensure your puppy cannot lick the area and become ill. Once the maggots are gone, the area must be able to heal.

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      Prevent future maggot infestations by avoiding infections. If you notice that your puppy has a wound, clean it immediately, and always treat skin infections or have them treated by your vet as soon as possible.