What Do You Give Dogs for Diarrhea?

Diarrhea in dogs can be a simple 24-hour condition easily remedied by over-the-counter products or a symptom of a more serious condition. According to several veterinarian sources, home remedies can be a cost-effective remedy for dogs with diarrhea. Dogs that have the condition more than two days or have additional symptoms including vomiting and lethargy should be taken to a veterinarian.

  1. Diet Remedies

    • According to several veterinarian sources, a temporary change in diet can often resolve the problem. Feed your dog small portions of a very bland diet for 48 hours. It can include plain rice without flavorings, cottage cheese without liquid, and boiled chicken or boiled turkey (no skin or oils). After 48 hours, if the dog has improved, return gradually to its regular diet. Otherwise, consult a veterinarian.

    Over-the-Counter Remedies

    • There are several over-the-counter medications you can use if a bland diet does not seem to be working after 24 hours. Pepto Bismol, Imodium AD and Kaopectate are effective.

    Dosage by Weight

    • The over-the-counter medications should be administrated according to the dog's weight. The dosage should be 1 ml per pound every six hours for Pepto Bismol, every eight hours for Imodium AD and every two hours for Kaopectate.

    Chronic Diarrhea

    • Dogs that have diarrhea for extended periods of time, have it off and on for days, act sick, lose weight or seem lethargic could be suffering from chronic diarrhea and should be taken to a veterinarian.

    Chronic Diarrhea Causes and Treatments

    • Chronic diarrhea can be caused by many factors, including parasites, whip worms, infection, food allergies, irritable bowel disease, eating indigestible objects (rocks) and several organic diseases. Most of these causes can be treated with veterinarian-prescribed medications.