How to Treat Hair Loss in Dogs

Just like people, dogs can suffer from hair loss. Mange, allergies, age, ringworm and toxicity all can cause hair loss in dogs. The treatment for your dog's hair loss usually depends on the cause.


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      Take your dog to the vet to discover why he is losing hair. You won't be able to treat your dog until you know the cause of his hair loss.

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      Use a flea preventative on your dog. Hair loss in dogs is often because they are allergic to the fleas that are biting them. A flea preventative will help to keep the fleas off your dog, so the hair has a chance to grow back.

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      Put your dog on a healthy diet. Another cause of hair loss in dogs is food allergies. Consider making your own dog food, so you can eliminate the foods he is allergic to. While time-consuming, homemade dog food without any additives may stop your dog's hair loss.

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      Put an anti-fungal cream on your dog's bald spot or thinning fur. If your dog has been scratching his ears, toes and feet, he may have ringworm. Vets normally prescribe an anti-fungal cream to treat ringworm.

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      Give your dog any antibiotics prescribed by your vet. Sometimes mange, which is caused by skin mites, is the cause of your dog's hair loss. Antibiotics will treat mange.