Canine Illness Symptoms

Depending on the illness, dogs can exhibit many types of behavior that would indicate illness. Some of the more common symptoms are lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, loss or increase in appetite and decrease or increase in the consumption of water.

  1. Lethargy

    • Lethargy is a hallmark sign that all is not well with your pet. If a dog is experiencing nausea or pain, it will usually lay around more. If your dog is usually quiet, it might be time to take it to the veterinarian.


    • Vomiting is a great indication of a digestive upset, especially if it occurs several times. If a dog vomits more than two or three times and is unable to keep any food or water down, it's time to get it checked before dehydration can set in.


    • Diarrhea is the second-most common symptom that a dog is sick. Diarrhea can indicate a viral infection, dietary indiscretion or a foreign body obstruction. If diarrhea lasts longer than one day or occurs in puppies, have it checked before dehydration becomes a factor.

    Increase/Loss of Appetite

    • Loss or increase in appetite is a good indicator something is wrong. Dogs that eat more might have a metabolic problem. Dogs that eat less might have a virus.

    Increase/Decrease in Water Consumption

    • Unexplained increases or decreases in water is also a good indicator that something might be going on inside.