Canine Inner Ear Problems

We all love our dogs and when they hurt, we hurt. One common problem that causes our precious pups pain is inner ear troubles. There are many things that can happen to a dog's ear to cause problems and pain. Knowing the signs and symptoms of canine inner ear problems is the first step to relieving your dog's discomfort.

  1. Infection

    • One of the most common conditions that can cause problems in a dog's ear is infection. Ear infections can be caused by any number of things, including bacterial or bad hygiene. Dogs with ears that droop are more likely to get infected ears. Drooping ears trap moisture, creating the perfect environment for infection. Dogs that have an infection in one ear may tilt their head to that side.


    • Bugs are another common problem with a canine's inner ear is. Parasites, mites, ticks and fleas can all cause a dog some serious problems. Once lodged into the skin or once a bite has been made, the dog will scratch the infected area until raw. This can cause loss of hair, open wounds, swelling and hard, dry, flaky skin.

    Hereditary DIsorders

    • Sometimes a hereditary disorder is the cause of a canine's inner ear problem. A hereditary disorder is some type of disorder that the dog has inherited from its parents and/or grandparents. Collies and Shelties can develop a connective tissue disorder called dermatomyositis, which often affects the ears. Many breeds of dogs can develop seborrhea, a dandruff-like condition, in the ear, which results in flaky, dry, irritable skin patches.