Pet Ear Problems

One of the most common ailments for companion animals, at least for those that have ears, is ear problems. The causes are varied, but diagnosing and treatment are fairly straightforward.

  1. Mites

    • Ear mites are one of the most common causes of ear problems in pets. Tiny mites burrow down in to the ear canal and bite the pet, creating intense itching. Mites are easily treated with a eardrop solution and cleaning.

    Bacterial Infections

    • Bacterial infections can be acute or chronic and are generally painful for the pet and smelly. This type of infection is very common in water breed dogs with floppy ears, as the ears cannot dry adequately. Treatment consists of antimicrobial eardrops and cleaning.

    Yeast Infections

    • Yeast infections also occur more often in flop-eared dogs, as yeast prefer a warm, dark, moist place to grow. Antifungal eardrops and cleaning treat these conditions.

    Surgical Options

    • For pets with chronic infections that will not respond to treatment, surgery is an option. Most often, the ear canal will be removed in a process known as an ear canal ablation. This is a last resort as the pet will be deaf after the surgery.

    Aural Hematoma

    • Another type of ear condition is known as an aural hematoma. This is where the ear flap fills with blood and fluid. This happens in response to other ear conditions usually. Surgery is recommended to correct the condition.