Dangers to Dogs From Floor Cleaners

When you inhale the fresh scent of a freshly mopped floor, you might not be aware of the dangers to dogs from floor cleaners. The chemical cleaner you use is great for removing stains. The clean floor is now a hazardous area for dogs. Pets love to roll around on the floor. They love to lick and chew on themselves. Dogs will lick dropped bits of food from the floor. There are many dangers to dogs when using chemical floor cleaners.

  1. Types

    • Floor cleaners can contain toxic chemicals. The residue left behind on your floor creates a health hazard for dogs. Formaldehyde is one chemical found in floor cleaners. Formaldehyde is an irritant that affects the skin, eyes and throats of pets and humans. Perchloroethylene is another chemical found in floor cleaners that affects the central central nervous system. Dogs may experience loss of appetite, nausea, tremors or dizziness after ingesting perchloroethylene.


    • One of the dangers to dogs from floor cleaners is cancer-causing chemicals. Dogs get cancer from chemicals just as humans do. Floor cleaners can harm a dog's heart, liver, kidneys and central nervous system. Dogs have a faster metabolism than humans. This means that dogs absorb and process toxins at a faster rate, causing the harmful effects to occur quickly. Call a veterinarian or pet poison control center immediately if you suspect poisoning.


    • "One of the main roles of a canine in a human dwelling is floor cleaner," says Ellen Sandbeck in her book, "Organic Housekeeping." This is an important consideration when choosing a floor cleaner. Dogs are likely to ingest whatever cleaner you put on your floor. Dogs usually get to that spill first and have it licked up in the time it takes to get a cloth for cleanup. Switching to a natural cleaner will save you from wondering if your floor cleaner is safe.


    • Having a clean floor without the use of chemicals is easy to do. Natural cleaners are readily available. You probably have what you need in your kitchen cabinet. A bucket of hot water containing one cup of white vinegar and one drop of oil soap will clean, disinfect and deodorize your floor without creating a health hazard to pets and humans. You do not have to rinse this non-toxic solution. The vinegar smell disappears when the solution dries, leaving the floor fresh and clean.


    • Dangers to dogs from floor cleaners do not exist in a household that does not clean with chemicals. You are ensuring your pet's continued good health while benefiting the earth when using all-natural, environmentally friendly cleaners. A healthier environment will give you peace of mind and a cleaner home.