Enzymes for Dogs

All living creatures' bodies use enzymes to digest food; including dogs. Enzymes are biochemical catalysts made up of proteins or coupled proteins of living organisms. Enzymes help protect living creatures from developing diseases and disorders, and they are beneficial and a necessity in promoting a healthy lifestyle.

  1. How Enzymes Work

    • Enzymes work by breaking down the food a body digests. Raw food contains live enzymes, which work better in the digestion process than those that are cooked. Food that is cooked or processed at a degree higher than 118° F causes the enzymes to work harder; which can result in some dogs and other living creatures experiencing health problems.


    • Enzymes have several benefits in a dog's diet. For instance, they help protect from depression, immune disorders, heart disease, liver disease, cancer and degenerative diseases; as well as several other diseases and disorders. When working properly, enzymes also assist in building muscle strength and promoting a healthy, shiny coat.

    When Enzymes are Not Consumed Properly

    • When enzymes are not consumed properly due to a digestive disorder or to eating processed or over-cooked food, a dog can suffer from several health problems. Digestive disorders of the liver are a common problem with dogs. Dogs can suffer from diarrhea, bad breath, gas, lower immune system and tiredness. Some dogs even require enzyme supplements to prevent health issues.

    When to Seek Veterinary Care

    • If you have noticed that your dog has become sluggish, developed a rash or shown signs of allergies then it is important to contact your veterinarian. Some dog owners witness their dog eating feces; this is also a sign that enzymes in your dog's diet are not working properly. After running several tests your veterinarian may discuss enzyme supplements for your dog or whether it might be better to cook your dog's food.

    Enzyme Supplements

    • Veterinarians suggest that many dogs take enzyme supplements to treat current health problems and if they believe there is a chance of ailments due to digestive problems. The decision to provide enzyme supplements for your dog is made after several tests have been ordered by the veterinarian. Enzyme supplements can be purchased at many health-food and department stores. Some veterinarians provide recipes for pet owners to cook their dogs' foods if there are health issues that will not benefit from enzyme supplements.