Terramycin Powder Dosage for Dogs

If your dog is sick and you suspect he has a bacterial infection you're probably looking for the best antibiotic you can get in the shortest amount of time. Terramycin powder might seem to fit the bill because it is readily available and easy to administer. However you must consider the fact that it has not been evaluated for use in dogs. In fact Pfizer, the maker of Terramycin powder, does not recommend its use in dogs or cats.

  1. Function

    • Terramycin powder is a broad spectrum antibiotic that is effective in the treatment of pinkeye, strep bacteria and E-coli. It is widely used in the farming community to treat poultry, swine, cattle and sheep. Terramycin is the antibiotic of choice for many people because it is easily dissolved in drinking water and the animals take it with ease. Terramycin powder is mixed at a rate of one tablespoon per gallon of water.

    Expert Insight

    • According to Dr. James Baker of the Wasola Animal Health Clinic, Terramycin soluble powder is used off-label in dogs. This means that it is used in a manner for which it is not labeled and the effects of the medication have not been evaluated in dogs. There are several other broad spectrum antibiotics that are labeled for use in dogs and it's better to be safe than sorry. With that being said, Dr. Baker recommends that if you are determined to use Terramycin in your dog that you use no more than a half tablespoon powder mixed in with a gallon of your dog's drinking water. This should be given no longer than four days.

    Terramycin Ointment

    • If your dog has pinkeye or a bacterial infection of the eye there is a Terramycin ointment that is labeled for use in dogs. This ointment should be applied to the eye two to four times a day. Terramycin ointment has been proven safe and effective against pinkeye in dogs. The ointment can be found at your local pet or farm supply store or from your veterinarian.


    • Trimethoprim Sulfamethoxazole also known as Ditrim is another broad spectrum antibiotic that has been proven safe for use in dogs. It is available at most human pharmacies and comes in an easily administered oral suspension. Baytril can also be used instead of Terramycin powder. Baytril comes in tablet form and can be dissolved in water according to your dog's size.


    • You should never give your dog any medicine that was not prescribed for him unless under the advice of your veterinarian. Dogs have different reactions to medications than other animals and a well-meaning dose of medicine could quickly turn deadly.

      Always make sure your dog has a bacterial infection before you administer an antibiotic of any kind. Over use of antibiotics leads to resistant bacteria that are hard to treat.