Remedy for a Dog's Hot Spot

An irritation on your dog's skin may develop into a hot spot if he licks or chews the area. Flea bites, ticks and allergies are among the causes of the initial irritation, prompting the dog to relieve the condition by biting and scratching. Unfortunately, his efforts often worsen the situation, resulting in a painful sore that may become infected. Remedies for hot spots may include home treatment and veterinary treatment.

  1. Cleaning

    • The first step in treating a hot spot is cleaning the wound and possibly removing the hair surrounding the sore. If the sore is small, you may try cleaning it at home with an over-the-counter medicated dog shampoo that contains cholorhexidine. An iodine solution, such as Betadine, is another cleansing choice. If the sore is large, a veterinarian may need to sedate the dog. Hot spots are painful.

    Home Remedies

    • recommends soaking black tea bags in hot water for a minute or two before removing them and allowing them to cool. Once cool, the tea bags can be applied directly to a cleaned hot spot and taped into place. Reapply fresh tea bags up to six times per day. They also suggest applying a bit of witch hazel occasionally to soothe and cool the pain.

    Veterinary Remedies

    • Professional remedies for treating hot spots may include the topical application of a steroid cream or an antibiotic cream. In addition, your veterinarian may prescribe an oral corticosteroid for itching or oral antibiotics for a secondary infection from the trauma of the hot spot. To prevent the formation of future hot spots, your veterinarian may order tests to determine the underlying cause of the initial itching.


    • Keeping your dog from biting or chewing on itchy or irritated skin may be difficult. Some pet owners find the use of an Elizabethan collar useful in preventing the dog from making the sore worse. This type of collar is a large rigid plastic ring that encircles the dog's neck and extends in a cone shape around his face.


    • With hot spots, the best remedy may be prevention. Reduce the likelihood of your dog developing this painful condition by drying her thoroughly after a bath and brushing her, especially during shedding season, to remove excess hair and dead skin cells, which can create a moist environment next to your dog's skin. Treat your dog for fleas and examine her regularly to catch hot spots early.