How to Treat Nausea in Dogs With Kidney Failure

Kidney disease in dogs can be acute or chronic, and is likely caused by old age, infection, parasites and other diseases. Common signs of the disease include over exasperation, increased consumption of water, lack of urination, weight loss and vomiting. Nausea during kidney failure in dogs can also be caused by specific treatments, such as treatment for bladder infections induced by the disease.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Dog food
  • Nausea medication


  1. How to Treat Nausea in Dogs With Kidney Failure

    • 1

      Rehydrate your dog as often as possible. When your dog receives the necessary nutrients it needs from water, it will become less nauseous and will feel like eating more. Make sure to monitor your dog as it drinks so that it doesn't drink too little or too much at a time.

    • 2

      Give your pet frequent small meals as recommended by your dog's vet. This should include high-quality and lower-quantity protein. Monitor the dog closely for more than a half hour as it eats each small meal to make sure that the food is staying down properly. Reduce the amount of meals if vomiting is induced.

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      Use medication to control the nausea and increase appetite. Some medication like cimetidine can do both. Give the medication to your dog as prescribed by your vet, which may also include that your dog eats a small amount of food with the medication.

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      Let your dog rest in naps, but also make sure that your dog isn't too lethargic. For example, make sure your dog walks around a little outside after napping. You dog can become nauseous due to the kidney failure and when walking around quickly after sleeping in one place for too long.

    • 5

      Take your dog to the animal hospital if vomiting does not stop and if there are signs of diarrhea and abdominal pain. The hospitalization may include therapy of intravenous fluid administration and 24-hour monitoring. This will help control and determine what else besides the kidney failure is causing the nausea.