Frontline Plus is one of many applications on the market today for controlling fleas and ticks on your dogs and cats. Frontline Plus is available from your vet, from local feed stores and online in various pet-related retail outlets. Frontline Plus works by using 2 active ingredients, fipronil which kills adults fleas, and (S)-methoprene which kills flea eggs in all states of development before they hatch. (S)-methoprene also prevents new eggs from being laid on the treated animal.
For Cats
Frontline Plus for cats should be applied once a month. If, after application, you see fleas or ticks on your cat, the ingredients in Frontline Plus will kill them. If the fleas are in your home or other area, you may have to use another method to destroy the infestation, as the Frontline Plus will only protect your animal.
For Dogs
Frontline Plus is applied before the flea and tick season begins and once a month afterwards to protect your dog. The application will kill any existing fleas and ticks and prevent the hatching of any eggs that may be present. For best results, do not wash your dog for at least 24 hours after the Frontline Plus has been applied.
Exceptions to the Rule
If your dog or cat is infested with the paralysis tick (found mostly in Australia), use the Frontline Spray on your cat every three weeks and apply Frontline Plus to your dog every two weeks until the ticks are destroyed.
Application Tips
Frontline Spray should be applied to puppies and kittens less than 8 weeks of age. Frontline Plus can be used on any healthy animal 8 weeks of age or older. The Frontline website will send email reminders to registered users when it is time to apply the product. The product package includes stickers that can be used on paper calendars to remind the user when to reapply. Fleas and ticks usually begin to appear as the outside temperatures begin to rise after the winter season. By applying Frontline Plus a month before the expected temperature rise and once a month after the season begins, your pet will be protected completely from fleas and ticks.