About Liver Damage in Dogs

The liver is the largest organ within the dog's body. This organ is important for fighting disease in your dog as well as supplying nutrients for growth to her body and providing her with optimal amounts of energy. Liver damage and disease can be a serious issue for your dog so understanding is important to help you find the best treatment options for your dog.

  1. Causes

    • There are a variety of causes for liver damage and liver disease. Some of the most common include a relatively idle lifestyle, an unhealthy diet, prescription medications and even the environment surrounding your dog, especially if the environment is polluted.

      Unfortunately, in some cases, the liver can also be damaged due to abuse, malnutrition or neglect. Dogs who do not receive proper nutrition or are kicked or beaten can suffer from mild to severe damage. Some dogs may die soon after certain attacks because of internal bleeding.


    • Some of the more obvious symptoms of liver damage in your dog may include a loss of appetite, weight loss, an unhealthy appearance, vomiting, diarrhea and jaundice. Additional symptoms that may occur include abdominal bloating, retention of fluids, allergies and even obesity.

      You may also notice that your dog has become less active and may show signs of decreased interest in activities that she may have previously enjoyed. She may also appear to be depressed. If any of these symptoms are present in your dog, it is important she sees a veterinarian as soon as possible.


    • Damage to the liver can sometimes be fatal. In many cases, there is no specific medication or cure available. Pets who are suffering from liver damage or liver disease are often given supportive treatment.

      For dogs with liver diseases, fluids may be administered to help prevent dehydration and to provide food and nutrients to the dog. Your veterinarian may also prescribe pain medications as well as other medications to help ease vomiting or diarrhea.


    • Dogs who are suffering from liver damage will often need to be placed on a special diet. This is because the liver can no longer function properly, and you'll need to supplement your dog's nutrients in order for his system to remain as healthy as possible.

      For example, some dogs suffer from a liver disease in which excess amounts of copper have been stored. In this case, your veterinarian will recommend foods that are low in copper, which would be ideal for the pet's specific situation.


    • For some types of liver disease or liver damage, supplements may prove to be beneficial. For example, vitamin K supplements can help with certain bleeding disorders. This would be necessary for a damaged or diseased liver because only a healthy functioning liver will produce enough vitamin K. Vitamin K is vital because it is used in the clotting elements of blood. Vitamin E can be beneficial in removing pollutants and also because of its anti-oxidant properties.