Symptoms of Leukemia in Dogs

Leukemia is a condition in which excess amounts of white blood cells are produced and that results in additional cancerous cells within your dog. It is unknown why leukemia occurs in dogs.

  1. Lethargy

    • One of the most common symptoms of leukemia in dogs is an abnormal behavior, such as lethargy. You may also notice that your dog appears to be depressed or stressed out.

    Loss of Appetite

    • Loss of appetite will also occur in many dogs suffering from leukemia. This is often accompanied by mild to severe weight loss, depending on the individual dog.

    Change in Bowel Movements

    • Some dogs may experience an increased thirst and increase their water intake. This will also lead to excessive urination. However, this can also be a sign of an issue with the kidney. (References 1, 2)


    • Seizures are rare in dogs that are suffering from leukemia. If your dog is suffering from leukemia accompanied by seizures, there may be additional underlying causes.

    Additional Symptoms

    • There are also many other symptoms that are associated with leukemia, including diarrhea, vomiting, pale gums and various reoccurring infections. However, keep in mind that these are also similar to symptoms that can occur with other diseases and conditions.