Canine Nerve Sheath Tumor

Nerve sheath tumors are tumors in a dog that form in the sheath of a peripheral nerve. The sheath is the connective tissue of the nerve. These can appear in any part of the dog's body and can be either malignant or benign, but they rarely will spread.

  1. Names

    • There are a multitude of different names for these tumors. They include schwannomas, neurofibromas, neurofibrosarcomas, perineuromas, neurilemmomas, hemangiopericytomas and neurothekomas. Amputation neuromas are also considered a nerve sheath tumor. These usually occur at the site of a tail that has been docked and after a dog continues to traumatize the area.

    How Common?

    • These tumors are considered unusual in the internal organs of dogs, but they are more common in the skin and mouth. Older dogs are most susceptible to these tumors, but it has been found in dogs as young as 4 months.


    • Because the tumors can affect any part of the body, there is a vast array of symptoms possible. If the tumor is near or connected to an organ, as it grows it will affect the processes of the organ, which will often produce symptoms. The most common symptom is the physical manifestation of the tumor. As it grows, it will produce visible swelling in that area of the body. If it is on the skin or in the mouth, it will appear as a firm, white fibrous nodule.


    • The final diagnosis of the tumor would involve getting a biopsy of the tumor and having it tested. Depending on where the tumor is located, this could include X-rays under anesthesia or ultrasound to find the tumor and guide the veterinarian while attempting to get a sample of the tumor.


    • Surgical removal of the tumor, if it is possible, is the main treatment. Depending on the size and location of the tumor, it could also mean removal of an organ (such as a kidney or spleen) or amputation of a leg or tail. Radiation may also be used along with surgery---depending on the size and location of the tumor---if any of the tumor was not safe to remove or if not enough tissue around the tumor was removed.