Weight Loss in Dogs With Kidney Disease

Located on each side of the spine, your dog's kidneys filter and clean the blood and remove excess water from the urine. The kidneys also return salts to the blood and process the byproducts of digestion. Kidney failure and kidney disease can affect older dogs and those who have suffered chronic bacterial infections, urinary tract blockages and abdominal injury. Antifreeze poisoning and Leptospirosis can also compromise the kidneys. Dietary management of renal disease will help to reduce metabolic demand on the kidneys for better long-term health.

  1. Symptoms

    • The first sign of a kidney problem is increased thirst and a corresponding increase in urination. The urine may be pale in color and your dog may become slightly incontinent. Other symptoms of poorly functioning kidneys include poor appetite and lethargy. Your dog may begin to lose weight and condition.


    • As the kidneys continue to deteriorate, the dog may begin to vomit occasionally and suffer from dehydration and bad breath. Sometimes the tissues around the mouth become inflamed and mouth ulcers may be present. At this point, weight loss may become more serious.

    Dietary Management

    • Kidneys work hard to process wastes from the proteins your dog eats. According to the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine, dogs with renal disease should be fed a diet of reduced but high-quality protein. Higher quality proteins such as egg and meat are easier for the kidneys to process. Lower quality proteins such as those found in cereal grains create more waste and place a higher demand on the kidneys.

    The Importance of Protein

    • Your dog needs protein, carbohydrates and fat for cellular repair and regeneration and energy. Limiting protein to a small amount of high quality protein helps your dog maintain a healthy weight and activity level.

    Kidney Diets

    • There are prescription diets available for dogs with compromised kidneys, but they may be unpalatable and contribute to continued weight loss. Supplementing these diets with home-prepared ingredients may improve your dog's appetite.

    Home Prepared Foods

    • Some suggestions for a homemade canine kidney diet include eggs, ground meat, brown rice and olive oil. Other ingredients include parsley, parsnips, cooked kidney beans, yogurt and cottage cheese.