Parasites can have a serious impact on a dog's health. Some parasites such as hookworms can make a pet sick or even kill it. Hookworms in dogs predominately attach to the intestines, sucking blood. Even more blood can be lost when they let go of where they are attached.
Avoiding Hookworms
By treating bitches before they are bred, picking up feces immediately and routine worming, most hookworms can be avoided or eliminated before becoming a problem.
Most Common Symptoms
Because hookworms feed on blood, the most common symptoms are related to blood loss or anemia. Signs of anemia are pale gums, inside nostrils and inner eyelids. Breeds with black or dark gums are difficult to evaluate, so inside nostrils and under the eyelids are best places to check. Diarrhea or vomiting might also occur.
Severe Symptoms
Dogs or puppies with long-term or heavy infestation might be lethargic or have poor coat condition. Puppies might stop growing at normal rate. Puppies are at highest risk of death so immediate action is needed.
More Symptoms
Hookworm larvae are in the blood and can reach the lungs, causing problems including pneumonia. Early symptoms might be coughing.
Going to parks and areas where there are other dogs can result in reinfestation. Hookworms can also infect humans, so keep your yard clear and avoid going barefoot where dogs have been.