Natural Food for Diabetic Dogs

Dogs, like people, produce a hormone called insulin. When insulin production is limited, diabetes may result. Because of the high level of blood sugar, the dog will excrete an excessive amount of urine, will constantly be thirsty and generally will have an enormous appetite. While veterinarian care is always recommended in such cases, a healthy diet can also keep diabetes under control.

  1. Diet Basics

    • It is always important to keep your dog at a trim and healthy weight. Discard the table scraps and measure out the dog food. Several small meals over the course of a day evens out the rate that sugars reach the bloodstream. High-fiber foods, which tend to stabilize glucose levels, are also helpful. It is a good idea to stay away from processed dog foods as they usually contain unhealthy amounts of sugars and carbohydrates.


    • There are a number of herbs that are beneficial in reducing blood glucose, including dandelion, parsley, ginseng and garlic. Fenugreek seeds slow down the glucose rate to the bloodstream as well as make the dog feel full so he does not overeat. If a pet owner can find it, goat's rue contains an ingredient found in diabetes medications and has the added benefit of reducing cataracts. The Chinese herb, huang gi, is also effective in controlling diabetes.


    • Blueberries have been called the perfect food for humans, and they are just as beneficial to pets. Bananas and sliced apples also make good snacks but never serve fruit with meals as they can ferment with meat and grains.


    • Raw carrots, celery and sprouts not only keep glucose levels constant but provide much needed vitamins. Cooked squash, green beans, mesquite pods and potatoes have the same effect.


    • Grains are good for dogs but do not overdo it. Stick to rice, millet and oats.

    Other Nutritious Foods

    • Eggs, meat and poultry can be cooked and cut into cubes for a nutritious meal. A meatloaf of meat, bran, rice and vegetables can also be baked and cut into small pieces. Dogs love cheese, and other cultured dairy products, such as yogurt and buttermilk ,can also be beneficial to a diabetic canine.