How to Protect Your Dog's Ears From Flies

Many Americans are aware of the dangers posed to their dog by fleas, ticks and heartworm infections. They are not as well acquainted with the risks involved when their dog is exposed to common house flies, deer flies or black flies. According to Pet Education, the flies are attracted to the dog's ears because the animal cannot defend this area. The bites incurred by the flies are painful and, if left untreated, the area will attract other flies to lay their eggs in the damaged area.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 tbsp. petroleum jelly
  • Small bowl
  • Insect repellent containing DEET
  • Cotton ball


    • 1

      Pour 2 tbsp. petroleum jelly into a small bowl.

    • 2

      Spray a light coating of insect repellent that contains DEET into the jelly. Stir the ingredients well.

    • 3

      Dip a cotton ball into the mixture and rub it onto the outer portions, including the tips, of your dog's ears before it heads outdoors or is exposed to areas that are heavily infested by flies.

    • 4

      Bring your dog indoors during the evening hours or anytime that the flies are heavy. This will prevent the dog from being bitten by the flies.

    • 5

      Remove any materials from your dog's outdoor area that will attract flies. According to Pet Education, this includes fecal matter, garbage or unconsumed dog food.

    • 6

      Wash your dog's indoor and outdoor bedding at least once a month. This will prevent the flies from being attracted to the area.

    • 7

      Bathe your dog on a regular basis. This includes removing any fur that is matted with feces. A clean dog will attract fewer flies than a dog that is covered with the odor of food, urine and feces.