Why a Dog's Teeth Fall Out

It isn't normal for a dog to loose teeth after about seven to nine months. Puppies have a set of baby teeth they will loose when their adult teeth emerge. Any tooth loss after this indicates a dental problem.

  1. Trauma

    • Trauma is the most common cause of dog tooth loss. Common ways in which this occurs are dogs being hit by cars and dogs chewing on bars to try to escape from kennels.

    Periodontal Disease

    • Periodontal disease in dogs is similar to the condition in humans. The accumulation of plaque causes gums to become swollen, inflamed and recede--eventually leading to tooth loss.

    Tooth Decay

    • Just like people, dogs can develop tooth decay. This can lead to the loss of teeth.


    • Sometimes dogs don't loose their baby teeth as they should. This causes teeth to become crowded and misaligned, increasing the possibility of periodontal disease that can lead to tooth loss.


    • Many senior dogs loose teeth. This is the result of tartar build up on the teeth and progressing gum disease.