Home Remedies to Get Rid of Fleas

Fleas feed off of animals and, as a result, can cause an animal a lot of itching. Fleas also bite humans. You don't have to use prescription flea medication, which often contains chemicals, to get rid of fleas. There are some home remedies you can utilize to do the job.

  1. On Your Pet

    • Give your pet a bath. Add lukewarm water to your bathtub. Use only 1 or 2 inches of water because you don't want your pet to be too uncomfortable. Use that water along with pet shampoo to lather up your pet's fur. Leave the soap on the pet for five minutes, which is how long it will take to kill all of the fleas on your pet. Rinse your pet off and then comb through his hair. To make a homemade flea spray, fill up an empty spray bottle with water and add two drops of cedar wood oil and two drops of lavender oil. Spray this on your pet up to three times per day for two weeks. The fleas will be gone.

    In the House

    • Your pets are just going to get re-infested with fleas if you don't also kill the fleas in the house. Vacuum the furniture where your pets sleep and wash any toys they use. Sprinkle salt on all of the rugs and leave it there overnight. In the morning, vacuum it all up. Throw the vacuum bag in the outside trash immediately afterward. The salt is hard and pierces the exoskeleton of the flea. The flea then dehydrates and dies. This method will totally eliminate your fleas. You can use another method as well. Place a bowl with some water and dish soap in it under a night light. The fleas will be attracted to the light and will jump in the bowl. They will then drown.


    • Diatomaceous earth kills fleas because it is hard and pierces the flea's exoskeleton. It works the same way as the salt by causing the flea to dehydrate and die. It is safe to spread around your yard. In addition to this you can throw pine needles and cedar wood chips around the yard. Fleas hate the smell and will leave your yard alone.