Itchy Skin Remedies for Dogs

Dogs can have dry, itchy skin for many reasons, but owners can provide quick relief with simple home remedies. Persistent itchy skin could be a reason to worry though, as it could mean food allergies, fleas, mites or another health problem. A veterinarian should be consulted if your dog has severely itchy skin or the problem persists after trying home remedies.

  1. Antihistamines

    • An allergic reaction or inflammation can prompt histamine to be released in a dog's body, which can cause itchy skin. Human antihistamines, such as over-the-counter diphenhydramine, can be given to your dog to help relive itching. Check with a veterinarian for proper dosage according to your dog's weight.

    Shampoos and Grooming

    • Grooming your dog is necessary to spot ticks and fleas, but it also helps provide relief for itchy skin. Always use dog shampoo and grooming products. Human shampoos can cause skin irritations. Hypoallergenic shampoos are available at pet stores and can be used several times a week to relieve itchy skin and help minimize discomfort.

      Herbal and natural shampoos are good to use on irritated or itchy dog skin. Some common natural ingredients in herbal shampoos for dogs are papaya, coconut, kiwi, aloe, oatmeal, eucalyptus and eucalyptus oil. Bars of soap are also available for dog's dry irritated skin, and can contain natural ingredients such as vegetable oils, herbal infusions and pure aromatherapy-grade essential oils. Medicinal ingredients like hydrocortisone, antihistamines or coal tar are also available in shampoos used to treat skin allergies.

    Olive Oil

    • Olive oil can be rubbed into your dog's skin by applying a teaspoon of it on your palms first. More than a teaspoon may be necessary if you own a large breed dog. Work the olive oil into your dog's skin and work additional dabs into spots that are severely affected, such as where you see patches of missing hair. To apply olive oil into these areas, pour a small amount into a bowl first and use a cotton ball to dip into the bowl and treat the spots.