Tips on Using Frontline For Dogs

Frontline Plus is an effective and popular flea and tick preventative for dogs. Applied once a month, this product promises to deliver four weeks' worth of protection. Sometimes, however, it seems as though those pesky critters come back to bother our pets before that. Why? Perhaps it is our own user error. There are, however, a few tips on how to use Frontline in dogs to help keep your pets happy and bug free.

  1. Use the Correct Size

    • The first step in using Frontline effectively is applying the correct size to your pet. There are four different weight ranges available: 0 to 22 pounds, 23 to 44 pounds, 45 to 88 pounds, and 89 to 132 pounds.

      Consumers need to make sure they use the correct size dose on their dogs because if the dog weighs more than the dose being used, the preventative will not be strong enough. If the dose is for dogs that weigh more than yours, there could be potentially harmful health effects.

    Follow the Application Instructions

    • Frontline works best when it is applied to skin that is completely dry. Additionally, once the product has been administered to the skin, it is important to keep that area dry for at least 24 hours. To apply Frontline, it may be easier if there are two people involved---one person to hold the animal and the other to apply the medication.

      Spread the hair in the middle of the shoulder blades about an inch apart so that you can see the dog's skin. The shoulder blades is the recommended area to apply Frontline so that the dog can't lick it off of himself. Place the top of the applicator directly on the skin, squeezing out the contents along the part. This is probably the most important step in the process as it is essential for the product to make contact with the skin in order to work correctly. If you just apply it to the hair, it will probably not work. Once the entire content of the tube is emptied, push the hair that you parted back over the application site.

    Waiting Period

    • It is best to wait at least 24 hours to touch the spot where the Frontline was applied. It will still be wet there and will come off on your hand or whatever it comes in contact with. It may be helpful to apply the product before you go to sleep, so that you don't pet or touch your animal for a few hours. You may also notice a wet or oily trail going down your dog's back as the Frontline begins to move along the animal's coat. This means it is working.

      Frontline is dispersed over your pet's body in a process called translocation. The product is spread through the skin via the pet's oils, collecting in the oil glands and skin. It then travels into the hair over the next 30 days. It begins killing fleas within 12 hours and ticks within 48 hours.

      If you are still seeing fleas after you've treated your animal, it is most likely that flea eggs were deposited in your environment before you started using Frontline. This means you need to continue to use the product until all the eggs have hatched and the fleas become in contact with your pet. This could mean year 'round preventative use.