Do Puppies Teeth Grow Back?

Just like toddlers, puppies lose their teeth and grow back larger, adult teeth. The baby teeth fall out on their own and larger, sharper adult teeth grow in their place.

  1. Features

    • Puppies grow 28 teeth by 8 weeks of age. At 3 months, baby teeth will start falling out and be replaced by adult teeth.

    How Teeth Fall Out

    • Incisors are the first teeth to fall out of a puppy's mouth at around 3 to 4 months old. Canines fall out at around 4 months and molars fall out at around 6 months old. By 8 months, puppies will have grown in their full set of 42 adult teeth.


    • Puppies usually swallow baby teeth as they fall out. If a tooth appears to be unable to fall out on its own, be sure to visit the veterinarian, who can take out the tooth safely and properly.

    Difference Between Breeds

    • The pace in which teeth come in depends on the breed. As a general rule, the larger the breed, the faster adult teeth grow in.


    • Puppies can get very irritated by the teething process and will chew everything in their path to alleviate the pain. In order to keep your shoes and furniture safe, suggests that pet owners keep a variety of chew toys around for puppies to use as a way to ease the discomfort of the teething process.