The Uses of Willard Water for Dogs

Willard Water is a concentrate that has been altered molecularly through the introduction of a catalyst. Dr. John Willard, professor emeritus of chemistry at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, discovered the water's healing properties while conducting research. News of his discovery spread and people began using Willard Water for everything from healing wounds to relieving anxiety to growing better crops. Willard Water also can help your dog.

  1. How to Use

    • Willard Water is sold as a concentrate in health food stores or online. Add 1 ounce of this concentrate to a gallon of distilled water. Put it in a spray bottle or atomizer, use it as a soak or administer it orally, depending on the condition you want to treat.

      To use in your dog's drinking water, dilute 2 ounces in two gallons of water. Add 2 tablespoons of this solution to the dog's water bowl each time you fill it.

      If you're going to store the water for any length of time, put it in plastic containers, not glass. Willard Water reacts with impurities in glass and over time you will see fine particles settle at the bottom of the container. Use a clean milk jug or plastic juice bottle.

    When to Use

    • Spray diluted Willard Water on your dog's food or mix with his drinking water to calm anxiety and relieve aggression; e.g. while traveling or kenneling. If your dog is afraid of thunderstorms, a few drops of Willard Water solution administered with an eye-dropper on his tongue will have a calming effect.

      Willard Water improves many skin conditions. Spray on the skin to relieve hot spots and dry skin. Mix 1 part Willard Water to 9 parts shampoo and use this to bathe your dog to relieve dry skin and improve the appearance of her coat.

      Willard Water can aid in healing. Use a diluted solution to bathe and heal cracked paw pads. Clean the dog's ears with Willard Water to prevent ear mites. Add to drinking water to relieve diarrhea. Cleanse wounds with Willard Water solution to prevent infection and promote healing. Apply a Willard Water compress over an insect bite to reduce swelling.

    Use Caution

    • Willard Water is supposed to work by scavenging free radicals and enhancing beneficial properties, such as increasing the effectiveness of antibiotics. In 1980, "60 Minutes" had Willard Water tested in a New York Laboratory and found nothing harmful in the water, but neither could they determine how, why or even if it worked. Use your own judgment and personal experience when administering Willard Water to your pet.