Sulfadimethoxine Side Effects

Sulfadimethoxine is an antibiotic designed to treat animal parasitism. The medication can also be used to treat intestinal, urinary, respiratory and tissue infections. According to Pet Place, the treatment of sulfadimethoxine can be used in dogs, chickens, ducks, partridges, salmon and trout. There are many side effects when using sulfadimethoxine. It is important that if symptoms become severe, that you notify your veterinarian. Some symptoms can result in complications, such as possible seizures, dehydration and coma.

  1. Common Side Effects

    • Most animals taking this medication will experience the formation of crystals within their urine. This occurs in animals that have been on sulfadimethoxine for a prolonged amount of time (more than a few weeks). The formation of crystals can be averted if you keep your pet well hydrated. Anemia can occur, and the pet may become lethargic as a result. Other effects can include vomiting and loss of appetite, joint pain and kidney damage. If your pet becomes excessively thirsty or urinates more than usual, notify your veterinarian, as this is a sign of severe kidney damage.

    Inflammation of Joints

    • Some animals who are sensitive to sulfadimethoxine, may experience joint inflammation. Pets may develop arthritis, fever, muscle aches, kidney inflammation and eye swelling. The occurrence of these symptoms usually begins within a week of treatment. However, after the treatment is either completed or discontinued, the animal will recover without any complications.

    Other Effects

    • Some animals may develop a rash during the course of treatment. The rash will disappear after treatment. Long-term use of sulfadimethoxine, usually weeks or months, can lead to the inability of producing tears. According to Foster and Smith Pharmacy, it is important for you to stop administering medication to your pet if he begins to have a discharge from the eye, redness of the eye or any other eye condition.

    Possible Allergic Reactions

    • Though rare, your pet can possibly suffer an allergic response to sulfadimethoxine. Possible allergic reactions can include, swelling of the facial area, hives, constant scratching, sudden diarrhea and vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention for your pet if he begins to experience shock, seizures, cold limbs or a coma. While your pet is taking this medication, be observant of any possible complications. If you notice your pet is behaving out of sorts, or just is not acting as he normally would, consult with your veterinarian.


    • According to Foster and Smith Pharmacy, animals who are pregnant or lactating should not take sulfadimethoxine. It is unknown whether this medication or harm to your pet's young. There is a possibility of fetal damage if your pet takes this medication while pregnant. Animals who have kidney or liver complications, kidney stones, or are susceptible to dehydration, should not use this medication. If you know your pet is sensitive to sulfa medications, such as sulfadimethoxine, do not give her Sulfadimethoxine, as it can cause an allergic reaction. Never give more than the recommended dose, as this can result in a possible overdose for your pet.