Canine Parainfluenza Symptoms

Canine parainfluenza is a highly contagious respiratory disease very often mistaken for kennel cough. Factors that may exacerbate the potential for contracting this disease are high humidity, drafts and environmental conditions. For a dog displaying symptoms of this illness, proper nutrition and a clean environment can be integral factors in regaining the animal's health.

  1. Coughing

    • The dog will have a dry, unproductive, persistent cough lasting 10 to 21 days. This condition may be intensified by any type of activity or excitement.


    • A runny nasal discharge will be present. This can be equated to a "snotty nose" in humans.


    • The dog will have difficulty breathing. This labored panting will also be more noticeable and acute after any type of physical activity.


    • The animal will be listless, displaying a depleted level of energy. A low-grade fever will also be present.


    • For a small percentage of dogs, this condition can lead to more serious complications if pneumonia and high fever are diagnosed. If this occurs, the animal will need intravenous fluids and may require hospitalization.