Outdoor Plants That are Poisonous to Dogs

Outdoor plants that are poisonous to dogs can cause a variety of mild to serious symptoms. The entire plant can be poisonous or only a small part such as the leaves or berries might be harmful. Some plants can poison dogs even if the animal only consumes a little amount. Call the veterinarian or Animal Poison Control Center if your dog eats a poisonous plant.

  1. English Ivy

    • English ivy is toxic to dogs and can cause fever, diarrhea, convulsions and coma. It can also cause a burning sensation in their throat and mouth.


    • Rhododendron has toxins that can cause dogs and other animals to get diarrhea, weakness, depression and vomiting. It can cause death if the poisoning is severe.


    • The whole Oleander plant is toxic to dogs and can cause serious symptoms such as abnormal heart function and hypothermia. The poison in this plant can cause death.


    • Certain kind of plants in the nightshade family such as European bittersweet and black nightshade can make dogs sick. Every part of these plants is toxic and can cause digestive problems, weakness and a decreased heart rate.


    • The daffodil plant is toxic to dogs and other animals. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea and low blood pressure. This plant can cause convulsions if a large amount is swallowed.