The Side Effects of Iverhart

Iverhart is a monthly treatment for dogs used to prevent heartworms, roundworms and hookworms. While Iverhart is an effective medication, it has the potential to cause side effects in some dogs.

  1. Background

    • Iverhart is typically a safe medicine with side effects largely occurring because of overdose or because of the death of heartworms in the dog's system.

    Most Common Side Effect

    • The most common side effect of Iverhart is diarrhea, which occurs as the dog passes heartworm larvae through his stool.

    Other Side Effects

    • Flea Control Guide reports that 1 percent of all dogs experience vomiting from Iverhart due to sensitivity to the active ingredient in Iverhart, ivermectin. Rarer side effects caused by Iverhart include depression, decrease in eating, staggering, seizures or excessive drooling.

    Overdose Effects

    • Dogs experiencing an overdose of Iverhart frequently have dilated pupils, weight loss and shaking. In extreme situations, it causes death.


    • It is important that you carefully read all instructions included with Iverhart. If an overdose occurs accidentally, take your dog to the vet immediately.


    • Iverhart is not for dogs under 6 months old. Combining Iverhart with other heartworm medications is also very dangerous.