Information on the Care and Feeding of English Bulldog Puppies

English Bulldogs, like any breed, have specific tendencies toward particular health complications. Proper care from the moment your puppy comes home will help to ensure proper development and decrease the likelihood of certain health issues.

  1. They Need Your Love

    • Chances are, your puppy will be a bit out of place at first once it leaves its siblings and mother. Give your puppy lots of attention to so it adjusts to you and feels less lonely. Don't leave it alone for long periods of time.

    Feeding Schedule

    • According to, puppies aged two to four months need to eat four times a day. Puppies four to six months of age need to eat three times a day, and once they're past six months old, they can eat two to three times a day.


    • The bulldog community overwhelmingly recommends stainless steel dishes, according to Stainless steel doesn't allow bacteria to grow like many plastics can, and they last longer.

    Veterinary Care

    • Prior to purchasing your puppy, it will have likely been checked by a veterinarian, but be sure to make it to the scheduled appointments for routine vaccinations for lyme disease, rabies, parvo and to get flea, tick and heartworm prevention.

    Health Problems

    • According to, English Bulldogs are prone to certain health complications because of their face and body structure. As your puppy grows, watch for common issues like cherry eye, infected wrinkles, breathing problems, hip displasia, skin infections, toe infections and dry noses.

    Activity Level

    • Along with love, food and care, English Bulldog puppies need playtime. Not only does it help to get a puppy's extra energy out, but it builds the relationship you have with your dog and teaches it the proper way to interact with humans.