How to Get Rid of Fleas on a Pet

Fleas are not fun for a pets or their owners. To get rid of fleas on your pets, you need to take a comprehensive approach; killing fleas on just your pet will not get rid of the problem. Here's how to get rid of your pets fleas.


    • 1

      Get rid of fleas in your pets outdoor surroundings.

      This means addressing the flea problem in the yard, separating your pet from other infected animals, and generally treating any other relevant areas.

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      Kill the fleas in your house.

      If you have fleas on your pet, you have fleas in your house. To kill the fleas in your house, wash all bedding in hot water and detergent (yours and the pets!), vacuum thoroughly, and consider a flea bomb.

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      Give your pet a flea bath.

      A flea bath will kill the most obvious pests on your pet but do realize that it won't take care of the entire problem. You may have to repeat this step twice, but make sure and wait the recommended length of time between baths.

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      Get a long term solution for your pet's fleas.

      After the initial bath and treating of the environment, invest in either a vet supported flea repellant or at least a flea collar.