Flea Allergy Dermatitis in Dogs

Flea allergy dermatitis is usually a reaction to a severe sensitivity to flea bites on your dog. When this happens, it will make your pet very uncomfortable and unhappy until both the initial problem and the reactionary effect have been treated.

  1. Identification

    • Dermatitis is an uncommon skin disorder for dogs. Usually it is caused by contact with various irritants. It is rare in dogs because the hair that covers the skin serves as protection.


    • While severe scratching or itching is the most common sign, it is not the most serious sign. Loss of hair, pimple-size blisters, and bare red spots are signs of more severe dermatitis.


    • A single flea can cause an allergic reaction and dermatitis with one bite. Dogs that are allergic experience swelling, irritation and itchiness at the infection site.


    • After evaluation by a veterinarian, treatment can include medication, topical treatment, steroids, antibiotics or supplements. Most often a treatment that prevents infection by killing fleas on contact will be recommended after the initial infection has been taken care of.


    • The most recommended prevention for flea allergy dermatitis is to keep the pet clean and healthy. Continuing intervention can also be simply maintaining a clean and healthy environment.