How to Cure Mange With Herbal Remedies

If your dog has a mange infection, it's no fun. The small mite bites his skin, causing his hair to come out in patches. Typically, treatment is chemical based, which can weaken your dog's immune system. The good news is that you can fight back with safe herbal remedies, which are not only effective when applied externally, but also when taken internally. For the best all-round approach, treat the outside of your dog topically and the inside by having her ingest specific herbal treatments.

Things You'll Need

  • Neem oil
  • Dog shampoo
  • Lavender oil
  • Almond oil
  • Dish soap
  • Spray bottle
  • Burdock root tincture
  • Yellow dock tincture
  • Dried dandelion herb


    • 1

      Mix one or two droppers of neem oil with dog shampoo, and wash your dog thoroughly. Rinse away all the soap.

    • 2

      Mix one part neem oil with one part lavender oil and 10 parts almond oil. Apply this mixture directly to any mange hot spots once or twice a day. Mix some of this oil with dish soap and water in a spray bottle, and spray any outdoor areas where your dog has been playing or sleeping.

    • 3

      Administer burdock root tincture, yellow dock tincture and dried dandelion herb internally to eliminate toxins, aid your dog's liver and heal his dry, flaky skin. All three are safe for dogs and work well in combination. Crumble the dried dandelion into your dog's food daily, and mix it in well. Add a drop or two of the burdock root and yellow dock tinctures to your dog's drinking water daily.